Every good mum knows how to keep her daughter safe. But how will Izzy’s mum cope on a visit to a perilous ice rink? Josh thinks Elise’s boyfriend wish list is rather unusual. Can he tick all the boxes? Mario knows that his name is as common in Italy as John Smith. But why are his friends sending him funeral wreaths?
Stefania Hartley’s brand-new collection is filled with relatable characters and real-life scenarios. Ten humorous and uplifting stories, perfect for your coffee break.

Also available in paperback and large print paperback.

“I loved these stories that I could read on my bus journey to work and arrive in a good mood. I recognised myself in a lot of them, and giggled at the predicaments the characters faced. I found myself nodding at the end of the stories, acknowledging the life lesson described in such a heart-warming way. I highly recommend this entertaining collection.”—Sandy Salisbury